Did you know that most of the stress in our lives comes from Washington, D.C.? It's true. Think about it; high gas prices, corporations downsizing, moving overseas greatly increasing the unemployment rate, selling the country to foreign companies, illegal aliens taking over the country, the war in Iraq that should have never happened, crooked politicians (like there's any other kind) taking advantage of their position, misusing our hard earned tax dollars; it all causes stress and it's all the fault of Capital Hill.
Meanwhile, they ride to work everyday in a limousine, have expensive wine every night for dinner, which they don't pay for, the vote themselves a raise whenever they want to; they live in a different world from me and you, but we're paying for that world and that causes stress.
I can't believe that American voters are so stupid that they vote for these people. Of all the qualified people we have to lead this country, look at the two we ended up with.
And all they're going to do is more of what every other person we've elected has done. Obama isn't going to change anything. It's going to be business as usual in D.C.
If you want to end stress in your life, be more careful with who you vote for. Follow them to Washington. We have TV channels and websites to tell you what your politicians are doing. Keep up with them. And if they don't do what they said they would do, VOTE THEM OUT.
People like Kennedy and Byrd and that creep in Alaska who are career politicians are screwing this country to death, yet they keep getting elected because the people who vote for them are ignorant.
Don't be ignorant. Be careful who you vote for. Let's take America back and end the stress in our lives.