Sunday, December 2, 2007

Holidays, Stress Days

The holidays are a time of cheer and getting together with friends and family and having fun. So why is it also the most stressful time of the year? It's because there is so much going on and so little time to get it done. Getting in the crowds at the mall, pushing & shoving, cursing each other, fighting over a parking space. It lets you see just how some people really are. It's not a pretty sight.

The holidays are a time when you have friends & family over and everything has to be just right and that causes stress in your life. Any time there is a change in your daily routine, it causes stress and the holidays are definitely a change.

So, step back, take a deep breath and look at the humor. Laugh at the way people are reacting. Keep a smile on your face. everyone else will wonder how you can remain so calm. Meditate before you go shopping. It will help you relax. or, just do what I do. Get your Christmas shopping done in July and avoid the crowds. Don't have any parties at your house. leave it up to someone else to throw the parties.

All you have to worry about is the smile on your children's faces on Christmas Day and that, my friend is what Christmas is all about. And that smile is a great stress reliever.